

作者:         发布日期:2018-03-26     



  王猛,男,中共党员,1983年4月生,森林经理教研室,副教授(七级),硕士生导师。2014年获加拿大麦吉尔大学哲学博士学位。中国生态学会,国际泥炭学会、美国地球物理学会、欧洲地球科学联合会会员。为New Phytologist、Biogeochemistry、Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment、Atmospheric Environment、Plant and Soil、Science of the Total Environment、Ecosystems、Ecological Engineering、Ecological Indicators、Scientific Reports等期刊的审稿人。2016年获西北农林科技大学优秀教师称号。



  1. 全球变化对泥炭地生物地球化学循环过程的调控机理研究


  2. 森林生态系统凋落物-土壤-微生物的化学计量学级联关系研究






  1. 系统的阐述了雨养泥炭地主要植被叶片碳、氮、磷、钾生态化学计量比的时空特异性和功能群间的差异性;2. 明确了雨养泥炭地优势物种的叶片凋落过程中碳、氮、磷、钾、钙、镁的元素重吸收对长期氮磷添加的响应;3. 量化了雨养泥炭地灌木和泥炭藓的内稳态特征的显著差异,并详细阐述了雨养泥炭地内稳态特征的特异性;4. 整合分析了雨养泥炭地植物叶片凋落以及分解过程中的化学计量比的级联关系,总结了北方高纬度地区泥炭地生态化学计量学特征的区域格局及各元素的储量。



  1. Wang, M.*, Moore, T. R., Talbot, J. 2018. Drainage and fertilization effects on nutrient availability in an ombrotrophic peatland. Science of the Total Environment, 621:1255-1263.

  2. Zhang, J. J., Peng, C. H., Xue, W., Yang, Z. A., Yang, B., Li, P., Zhu, Q. A., Wang, M.* 2018. Soil CH4 and CO2 dynamics and nitrogen transformations with incubation in mountain forest and meadow ecosystems. Catena, 163:24-32.

  3. Zhang, J. J., Peng, C H., Zhu, Q. A., Xue, W., Shen, Y., Yang, Y. Z., Shi, G. H., Shi, S. W. & Wang, M*. 2016. Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions in mountain forest and meadow ecosystems in China. Atmospheric Environment, 142: 340-350.

  4. Wang, M.*, Larmola, T., Murphy, M. T., Moore, T. R. & Bubier, J. T. 2016. Stoichiometric response of shrubs and mosses to long-term nutrient (N, P and K) addition in an ombrotrophic peatland. Plant and Soil, 400: 403-416.

  5. Wang, M., Moore, T. R.*, Talbot, J. & Riley, J. L. 2015. The stoichiometry of carbon and nutrients in peat formation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29: 113-121.

  6. Wang, M.*, Moore, T. R., Talbot, J. & Richard P. J. H. 2014. The cascade of C:N:P stoichiometry in an ombrotrophic peatland: from plants to peat. Environmental Research Letters, 9: 024003.

  7. Wang, M.* & Moore, T. R. 2014. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium stoichiometry in an ombrotrophic peatland reflects plant functional type. Ecosystems, 17:673-684.

  8. Wang, M.*, Murphy, T. M. & Moore, T. R. 2014. Nutrient resorption of two evergreen shrubs in response to long-term fertilization in a bog. Oecologia, 174: 365-377.


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